Monday, June 23, 2014

10 Things I've Realised in the 10 Hours Since Losing My Smartphone:

  1. I need to ask for the time.

  2. My mother makes a very efficient alarm clock. But, and also precisely because, she doesn't come with a snooze button.

  3. My favourite playlist keeps my sanity on morning rush hour train rides.

  4. The possibility of having my saved snapchats and selfies leaked is terrifying... I really should behave less embarrassingly.

  5. I have no means of contacting ANYONE because I cannot remember any numbers except for my mom's. (Not even my house/dad/sister/friends of a decade)

  6. I really need to have a contact book. Or back up stuff in an external drive. Or start by finding out how that works.

  7.  Doing school work on my phone is productive. Not backing it up and losing my phone is beyond counter-productive.

  8. Not being able to actively know that my friends are having for lunch actually doesn't kill me. And vice versa.

  9. The dependency I (we) have on technology is bordering morbidly disgusting. I can't believe my meagre mobile was my clock, calculator, map, phone, email, contact book, camera, life album (this one, makes me depressed), Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, Blog, microsoft/google document, book, music player and god-knows-what-else-i-havent-yet-realised, all together.

  10. Life without a smartphone / being uncontactable has been surprisingly peaceful. Also translates to a legit excuse to not give two shits about school, work and to some extent, life in general. #YOLOFREEDOM