Saturday, June 2, 2012


This feels like a mid-life crisis. No, a quarter life crisis. But no, wait, Im too young for even that. 

There are 3 people in my head.

The first thinks of the most brilliant things. The second puts these thoughts into words and in the process of doing so, depletes everything intelligent about it. The third tries to form these words, meaningless words, into actions and the only outcome he ever gets is the worst possible dwindle of everything I thought I could do.

See, there's a vast different in being good at something and actually being good enough. 

We go around day to day and meet new people and see different things. All of which provoke our thoughts, makes us question our purpose and choices, bewilder us with that one second epiphany of omg-what-if-I-did-this... But who the fuck actually acts on it. 

I know I don't. And I largely contribute that to the fact that I'm just not enough to accomplish such whims of mine. 

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