Thursday, September 27, 2012

"My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations"

What's not to love in Langkawi:

  1. Generally, very friendly people. I have the most helpful and friendly colleagues here (generally) and I haven't yet decided if the rest of the locals realised we're not tourists anymore. 
  2. Cheap fags and booze.
  3. Kittens! They are so whiny for strays. 
  4. Not humid. Its mostly cold here because of the rain, but humidity is probably the last thing I miss about Singapore. 
  5. Teow Soon Huat Duty Free. The local supermart 5 minutes away that has everything from food, kitchenware, 23 ringgit bathtubs, clothes, undies, booze, fags, shoes, perfume and chocolates.
  6. Mamat stalls. Aka prata shops. Prata here is a whole new level of crispy and basically the epitome of all pratas. (Im guessing India will be the only place that can top this).
  7. The laid back lifestyle. 
  8. 24 hour KFCs
What I still need a whole lot of adapting to: 
  1. Distance.
  2. Wifi. Shit wifi. Shit reception. Especially when there's a storm. 
  3. The weather fluctuates from cold to freezing to fucking north pole within minutes. 
  4. I know Im an intern but sometimes, people need to think better of me because there is no way I paid for 2.5 years of education specialising in hotel management for nothing. 
  5. Slipping at work and landing on my ass. To the amusement of everyone but me. 
  6. No trainings. 
  7. I eat curry everyday. ):
  8. Wild animals. And creeps. 
Basically Langkawi has been a bunch of surprises, from 1.20 ringgit nasi lemak to the animals to the amount of times Oppa Gangnam Style is played (which is too fucking much, everyone needs to stop). Albeit the cold weather, I have sufficient fuzzy moments like having someone run in the rain to get me a towel to dry off at work, skype calls and goodnight messages. 

As always, I send my love and misses and I hope everyone is doing great back at home. x


Sunday, September 16, 2012

home is where the heart is

Holla from Langkawi! Had a relatively smooth flight, not so smooth goodbye and a rather nice welcome.

Definitely not what I had expected but I more or less am starting to feel comfy in my apartment here. Life here is so different from Singapore. Its just day 2 and I've 6 more months but Im already missing home! While I'm glad to be out of the hustle and bustle of city life, I still have a long way to go to get used to so much tranquility.

The thing about time alone is that you tend to think more. Can't wait for work to start so I get my mind off things. Love the fact that booze and fags are extremely cheap here (seriously guys, heaven could highly be in the form of liquor and tobacco stores here) and that everyone is really friendly and helpful. Abielt the kampung setting, I can get just about everything I need.

The downside is the rainy season. 1. Shit load of insects. I try to act tough but the variety and amount scares me sometimes. 2. Roomie is down with fever cos we ran in the rain yesterday.I hope I don't fall ill too ugh. 3. Being cooped up in bed while its pouring makes me miss being cuddled with a smelly someone.

I know I sound far from being independent / self sufficient but its really different to be in Singapore missing one of me while I'm here alone (kinda) missing everyone so badly. But trust me when I say I'm tryingggg ~ Hope all's well back at home. I send all my love!

Friday, September 14, 2012

My week in pictures

  1. Sentosa with the boys and the girlfriends. 
  2. Zouk!
  3. leshopping and fucking jabs with lepiggy
  4. Zhi Char with my fav teammies + Salted Caramel + Broke my instagram virginity
  5. Amanda's really sweet card + cupcakes which were so delicious
  6. Kevin's chalet. Which was actually quite epic. 
  7. Seoul Garden with Jul and Aqilah
  8. Sushi buffet with sis right after. Which was an epic failure on our part. 
  9. Salted Caramel Frap with my dad just. He frowns upon starbucks actually cos "coffee at a kopitiam is just 80 cents plus add salt free". 
So fucking glad I met everyone I did. I love you all for making time. I know I get ridiculously impulsive and make impromptu meetups plus Im often late, I really, really do appreciate the fact you all make time for me. Will miss every single one of you guys. Stay safe and be good. I'll send my love (and skype details) from Langkawi once I figure if there is wifi there. See you all in March. xx

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Where you invest your love, you invest your life

9 more days to Langkawi and all I can say is blessed is an understatement. Im not sure if it is because Im leaving but the realisation of "missing out" on my family, friends and loved ones kinda made me more aware of the little (and big) things.

The past few weeks was either really, really lovely home-cooked meals by my mom or impromptu cravings with my dad after visiting my grandma like squid ink pasta and ramen monster. I wish I was half as good a cook as my mom sometimes, and if you actually know me, you'd know that's alot.

Also, after my last paper on Monday, my touch girls threw a surprise farewell chalet for me. They were beyond lovely, and I was so touched. Still am, just thinking about it makes me feel all fuzzy inside again. I wish the night ended better, but nonetheless, every little bit of effort from everyone made me extremely glad and I am really blessed to have such lovely friends. Love you Rainbows. ♥

I am however, feeling extremely under the weather right now. Headed to Mink for Jon and Priscillia's birthday last night sick and woke up, inevitably feeling like crap. Couldnt taste my drinks, dinner nor fags. Hahahaha. But it was a fun night. And someone was such a sweetheart, trimming the crust off my sandwiches and (force)feeding me and later on in the night being extremely patient with my runny nose and nasal whining, so I cant really complain. (;

Sentosa with the boys on Saturday and Zouk after. I hope I get better in time! Cant fucking wait.

"You know the nigger is a keeper when he lets you wipe your nose on his shirt."